Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I haven't given up on this yet...

Hokay, so. I figure I'd better throw something out there to placate the (probably 0) readers of my experimental foray into blogdom, and this is the result.

Being a WoW blog, there really isn't much WoW here yet, just me talking about how I like the game. Well, that's gonna change... eventually. Right now I want to keep talking about personal preferences :)

I'm a big instinct player. I don't worry about getting my defense or hit rating to precisely the magic number. I do not have a tanking rotation. I don't run any tanking macros or addons, and I have only skimmed the numerous tanking guides and how-tos the internet has available. Instead, I play by the seat of my pants, gemming and enchanting "what feels right", and casting whatever spell needs to be cast at the moment. And, even if I do say so myself, I manage pretty well :] However, some other tanks I've talked to say they couldn't function without their rotations/macros/whatever, and my guild's best hunter theorycrafts so much I wouldn't be surprised if she dreams about it.

So, reader(s? dare I hope? or am I just talking to the voices in my head again?), how do YOU play? Hardcore theorycraft, or primal button-mashing instinct... or somewhere in the middle?


1 comment:

  1. Well, Ferr, you already know I'm a hardcore, theorycrafting Hunter goddess :) The perfect shot rotation for max DPS is a thing of beauty that can make me all weak in the knees. I go wobbly over spreadsheets and pawn values; the theorycrafters at EJ are my pinup boys.

    And yes, I do occasionally dream about it. Sad, but true lol

    But at the end of the day, I think everyone should play in a way that feels right for them. Granted, if you want to be a melee hunter, or a tanking Holy priest, or some other oddity, you should probably not expect to get raid invites, but beyond that if it works for you, go right ahead.

    And if you do want to go raiding, you can always just ask a theorycrafting geekess like me for the Cliff Notes version. I'm always happy to talk shop :)
